New Era Demo > Blog
We Grow Business
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How We Work
The Corporation, established in terms of the New Era Publication Corporation Act, No1 of 1992, publishes newspapers as well as providing content online and on various mobile platforms.
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To be the preferred integrated media Corporation by 2023.
To provide accessible high-quality information services based on sound business principles
- Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions
- Customer-Centric: We serve our stakeholders with speed, courtesy and dignity
- Integrity: We are ethical and honest in all our dealings
- Innovation: We strive to find ways to continuously improve
- Teamwork: We pull together to achieve common goals
New Era
New Era is a Namibian national newspaper that provides well-researched and in-depth news and feature articles on political, socio-economic, cultural, governmental and developmental issues of national, regional and international significance.
The newspaper lays special emphasis on reporting on community-related issues, especially as they relate to the rural areas of the country, matters of national interest as well as government-related issues, which may concern the community.
The newspapers’ widely distributed products reach the most remote parts of the country, thus providing its readers and advertisers with insight into happenings in all 14 regions of Namibia through its regional bureaux.
Indigenous Content
Apart from daily coverage in Oshiwambo, who besides English, form the majority of our readership, New Era also features four indigenous languages, namely Otjiherero, Khoekhoegowab, Silozi and Rukwangali. Thy are published on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. This has a direct reach across the country, penetrating marginalised communities and are extremely popular with our readers.
Digital Media Platform
NEPC has one of the most advanced content management in its Digital and Social Media platforms with interactive features from readers. The content is synchronised between the Websites and Social Media platforms and is complemented with free interactive Mobile Apps, for both iOS and Android devices. In addition, NEPC offers newspapers to subscribers.
Our Readership
Discerning, trend-setting, opinion forming, independent thinking, policy-makers, exposed to international trade and relation.
Strong ethnic and cultural heritage but open-minded and not exclusive.
Our readership is well spread across all age groups, with over 40% in the age group between 18 and 45.
University, college students, young adults, professionals, government officials and the public at large.
Demographic trends – LSM 4 – 10
Value Proposition
We see advertising as an investment that has the potential to create a competitive edge in the market for our clients.
Our clients can now reach their audiences through our diverse range of communication platforms.
We provide tailor-made advertising packages, with an integrated approach ensuring that your message remains consistent to your audience.
We are committed to highlight issues affecting communities in order to accelerate progress and change.
Real time reporting using our digital platforms to reach locally, regionally and international audiences.
Offering readers interactive, reliable and personalised news.
Producing and curating high quality, relevant, and trustworthy news.
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Board of Directors
Dr John Sifani
Expertise – Business Strategy
Mr Edwin Tjiramba
Deputy Chairperson
Expertise – Media & Comms
Mr Edwin Tjiramba
Deputy Chairperson
Expertise – Media & Comms
Mr Edwin Tjiramba
Deputy Chairperson
Expertise – Media & Comms
Reliable source of information!
15.20.2022 / Jimmy Kapunda
Reliable source of information!
15.20.2022 / Jimmy Kapunda
Reliable source of information!
15.20.2022 / Jimmy Kapunda
Reliable source of information!
15.20.2022 / Jimmy Kapunda