Author: Aletta Shikololo (Aletta Shikololo )

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Namibiab: 3%gu khoen ǀguin ge N$40 000 marisa ǁkhâkorobe ra hōǂgā

Namibiab: 3%gu khoen ǀguin ge N$40 000 marisa ǁkhâkorobe ra hōǂgā

2023ǁî kurib di ǁAnǂgāsaben !Gôab tsî Hâ!khain !Hū!nāsi Xoakhâib di !nurib !oagu i ge ra ǁgau, ǁaupexan 34.1%gu khoen Namibiab !nâ sîsenga ūhâna ǂam ǁkhâkorobe hōǂgādi !gomsib ǀkha ǂnôasa, nē persentgu khoen N$2 000 xa ǀorose ǁkhâkorobe ra !khō!oa amaga. Nau ǀkhāb ain 3 persentgu sîsen ra ǁanǂgāsaben ǀguina N$40 000 ǁkhâkorobe ra hōǂgā hîa....

Namibia: Only 3% earn N$40 000 monthly 

Namibia: Only 3% earn N$40 000 monthly 

The latest 2023 Population and Housing Census – Labour Force report has revealed that at least 34.1% of Namibia’s workforce struggles with low wages, earning less than N$2 000 per month.  In contrast, only 3% of employed Namibians make more than N$40 000 per month, pointing to a sharp income disparity.  The data also shows...

Namibia’s unemployment rate hits 36.9%

Namibia’s unemployment rate hits 36.9%

Namibia’s unemployment rate increased from 33.4% in 2018 to 36.9% in 2023, the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) said yesterday during the release of the 2023 Labour Force Survey. The survey’s release comes months after the announcement of the 2023 Population and Housing Census report, a situation that caused a stir in certain quarters. However, Statistician...

NC probes Nida’s dormant projects 

NC probes Nida’s dormant projects 

Despite millions being poured into Namibia’s agro-processing development projects, little progress has been made. Findings from the latest follow-up visits by the National Council’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts paint a troubling picture, with many projects still non-operational. The committee identified these issues during oversight visits conducted last week to assess projects in the //Kharas,...

Namibia says no to gay marriages …union only between opposite sex 

Namibia says no to gay marriages …union only between opposite sex 

Aletta Shikololo Lahja Nashuuta President Nangolo Mbumba has signed into law a new Marriage Act, which amongst others prohibits same-sex marriages in Namibia.  The new legislation also prohibits the recognition of same-sex marriages, including those legally performed in other countries. The legislation defines marriage strictly as a union between a man and a woman, excluding...

Security guards finally get minimum wage

Security guards finally get minimum wage

The ministry of labour has approved the phased implementation of a national minimum wage for security guards.  The decision, hailed as a win for thousands of underpaid workers, was announced last Thursday by the Namibia Security Labour Forum (NSLF) at a press briefing in Windhoek.  Effective 1 January 2025, security personnel will receive N$13.50 per...

TVET emerges from starting blocks

TVET emerges from starting blocks

After years of lurking in the shadows of conventional school subjects, national Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses are making their presence felt. The 2024 Grades 11 and 12 results indicate an improvement in the performance of candidates in TVET courses, as more learners scored higher grades.  The percentage of learners achieving Grade...

Flood victims find hope amidst despair … share harrowing stories

Flood victims find hope amidst despair … share harrowing stories

Aletta Shikololo Eba Kandovazu For weeks now, despair loomed over families displaced by floods in Windhoek’s informal settlements. Lives were uprooted, homes washed away, and possessions destroyed. But amidst the misfortune, a glimmer of hope has emerged at Farm 508 in the Goreangab informal settlement – a relocation site currently taking shape. The site is...

Okahandja’s conflicting realities 

Okahandja’s conflicting realities 

Aletta Shikololo Rudolf Gaiseb OKAHANDJA – Residents of Okahandja’s Ekunde and Five-Rand informal settlements on the town’s outskirts have shot down council’s assertions that it has tackled most challenges in their area. The Okahandja municipality has said it has done its best to tackle challenges in the town’s informal settlements, where residents have complained of...