
“Emotions in Excel” – Artist Basson

Home Archived “Emotions in Excel” – Artist Basson

NAGN Foyer July 17 – 1 August 1

A Bank Windhoek-Sponsored Exhibition

Pieter Basson’s “Emotions in Excel” will be opened by Dr Manfred Janik at 19h00. Basson’s 5th solo exhibition is a versatile combination of artwork including various mediums experiments such as linocut, oil, ink and bleach, and gouache.

“Emotions are a complicated matter, but are part of everything we are and everything we want to be. With these artworks I tried to capture emotions which inspire us to go to greater extents” says the artist.

He is influenced by the Cubism of Picasso, and the surrealism of Dali and Miro. In this exhibition, his work reflects a humouristic approach towards the interaction between human figures.

Pieter Basson is a well-known Namibian artist who has achieved success locally, and internationallyat the 12th Asian Biennial Bangladesh (Dhaka), the 6th and 7th Mondiale D’estampes et del la Gravure Chamilieres ,France, and recently at the 6th International Biennial Engraving of Ile de France (Versailles, France). This prolific young artist celebrates his first solo at the NAGN – a milestone in any artist’s career.

Helge Denker has been designing postage stamps for ten years and has designed over one hundred stamps for Namibia Post during that time. Stamp X 102 celebrates these achievements by exhibiting Helge’s original stamp artworks, as well as the philatelic products created from them.

The exhibition will be held in the Main Gallery of the National Arts Gallery of Namibia from July 20 until August 7. It will be opened on Thursday, July 19, at 18h30 by Sakaria Nghikembua, the CEO of Nampost.

Stamp X 102 features the original artworks of all 25 series designed by Helge, as well as the final philatelic products produced from them. The themes of the exhibited stamps vary from natural history to social and cultural issues. The most common question Helge is asked about his stamp artwork is at what size the originals are produced.

The exhibition offers the Namibian public the opportunity to view the originals and gain a better understanding of the complex process of philatelic product design.

The original artworks remain the property of Nampost and are not for sale, but framed philatelic products can be bought at the exhibition.