Germany supports Rob Youth Foundation

Home Youth Corner Germany supports Rob Youth Foundation
Germany supports  Rob Youth Foundation

German ambassador to Namibia Herbert Beck and representatives of the Rob Youth Foundation on 29 June 2022 signed a funding agreement to support a refurbishment project for the Katutura State Hospital.  

The Rob Youth Foundation was presented by founder and director Robert Maseka, together with the secretary general of the foundation, Mary Mutonga. 

N$180 000 will be made available to refurbish a few wards at the Katutura State Hospital. The volunteers of the foundation will team up with a construction company, who pledged to offer their expertise and labour free of charge to support this project. 

After an onsite inspection, the organisation identified the wards that are currently in need of renovation. These wards include the children and maternity wards, amongst others. The plan is to replace broken glass panels on doors, broken wall and ceiling panels, lavatories and sinks, and give the wards a fresh coat of paint. This will provide a more conducive environment for the ill people and help them recover in a more appropriate facility.  

Through this project, the youth foundation wants to give back to the nation and help the government reach the third SGD goal: “Good health and well being” for all. 

Members of Rob Youth Foundation chose specifically this project, because it is important to provide all members of society with a dignifying environment in times when it is most needed.  

The Rob Youth Foundation was officially registered in April 2021, and was founded to alleviate social problems faced by the Namibian youth. 

It has representatives in all 14 regions and works on tackling the most urgent problems amongst the youth, such as the danger of drug and alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancy, lack of sanitary pads for the girl child, to name but a few. 

Among the activities that the foundation has already implemented are education on mental health and hygiene for young girls and boys from orphanages, a clean-up day campaign and the distribution of sanitary pads, toiletries and food items to school learners and community members from less-fortunate backgrounds.