Namibia Creates Own Identity

Home Archived Namibia Creates Own Identity

By Minttu-Maaria Partanen


Even though Namibia inherited a lot of laws from South Africa at independence, the country has created a strong national identity in the rule of law.

This identity is evident in a new book called Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Namibia.

The book was launched yesterday at a conference of the Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association of Namibia and the Magistrates’ Commission in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

The book is a collection of articles written by academics and students from the University of Namibia (Unam).

In his opening speech, Chief Justice Peter Shivute said the need to produce a Namibian legal text is acute. Namibia has to develop and increase knowledge about its laws in order to become an independent and sovereign state.

A strong commitment to the rule of law helps Namibia to protect human rights, democracy and promote transparent governance.

In the introduction of the book, Shivute also points out that in order to get foreign investments, the state has to be committed to the rule of law.

Shivute concludes that the book helps to clarify understanding about Namibian legislation and that it should be valuable, educate future generations and all those who are interested about the Namibian rule of law.