Star of the week: Linus Titus and Petrus Ndilimani

Home Featured Star of the week: Linus Titus and Petrus Ndilimani

Our shining stars of this week are environment and tourism ministry official Linus Titus and Petrus Ndilimani, a worker at Kalangula farm – who pursued a pride of lions that were killing livestock at farms near Etosha National Park.

Although the one lion was, unfortunately, killed in the confrontation, it is feared the two men themselves could have been dead were it not for their bravery to fend off the attack by the big cat.

Titus and Ndilimani were stars in the sense that they prevented further killing of livestock in the areas and that they overcame their fear to pursue the deadly kings (and queens) of the jungle. Apart from livestock, farmers in the area could’ve been targets of the lions too – but thanks to the two men, that possibility was eliminated.