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IPC ‘not aware’ of mass resignations

2021-04-22  Nuusita Ashipala

IPC ‘not aware’ of mass resignations

ONGWEDIVA – Independent Patriots for Change spokesperson for the northern regions Eino Heelu said the party has not received formal resignations by party members, as being circulated on social media. 

Heelu said the party, however, was not surprised as some were rumoured to be leaving the party before Omusati region held its conference to elect the regional leadership last week. 

According to Heelu, some of those who resigned are bitter for not scoring positions in the just concluded exercise to elect the Omusati leadership. The spokesperson said it has become a norm for the few frustrated party members who are resigning from the party to make unfounded allegations towards the party’s conduct. 

“Unfortunately, everyone that is leaving the party will always have something negative to say. But as a party, we are not interested in people fighting for positions,” said Heelu. About 12 people, including some of the founding members such as Paulus Petrus and Imms Shikongo, who is the founding chairperson of the Ruacana branch, have reportedly resigned from the party. 

“Omusati IPC is too tribalist, they don’t consider other tribes apart from Aawambo. With Ruacana consisting of 70% of non-Oshiwambo speakers, the leadership is 100% Aawambo,” the letter, seen by New Era, stated. The disgruntled members further said they were leaving for other political parties “where they can serve the masses better”. Heelu in response said the party is not formed on tribal or gender lines.

 “We have members from all the ethnic groups, but we have those who joined the party for positions and not to genuinely serve the masses,” said Heelu. Heelu also said the party was not moved by people leaving IPC, saying the party continues to receive new members daily. “This is just really a small number. People are joining the party night and day,” Heelu said.


2021-04-22  Nuusita Ashipala

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