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NFA calls off congress after CAF directive…new roadmap for Namibia next month

2021-11-18  Otniel Hembapu

NFA calls off congress after CAF directive…new roadmap for Namibia next month

Secretary general of the Namibia Football Association (NFA), Franco Cosmos, yesterday said the association will heed the call by the Confederation of African Football (CAF) to call off their planned extraordinary congress.

The NFA was set to hold an extraordinary congress this coming weekend, where the primary agenda was to dissolve the current executive committee, which has been on a self-destructive path for the past couple of months.

The executive committee suspended NFA president Ranga Haikali for alleged fraud, corruption and gross insubordination. On the other hand, Haikali pressed charges against his secretary general Cosmos, accusing him of similar illegal deeds (fraud, corruption and gross insubordination).

The current situation at the NFA Football House in Katutura is analogous to a nasty dogfight, where Haikali is fighting Cosmos and the executive committee to overturn his suspension with the hope of regaining his grip on the affairs at Football House. 

But Cosmos and the executive committee, who are working in cahoots, are also fighting back to ensure Haikali does not return to the country’s topmost football seat. 

Following his fact-finding mission to Namibia last week, CAF Secretary General Veron Mosengo-Omba on Tuesday this week wrote to the NFA, directing the association to put on hold its planned extraordinary congress to allow CAF and Fifa to implement a new roadmap for Namibian football.

During his visit last week, Mosengo-Omba expressed his disgust with the ongoing infights at NFA and how belly-politics have eclipsed the interest of the players. 

“In this respect, before a roadmap for resolving the current situation is released, the planned NFA extraordinary congress should therefore be put on hold as CAF and Fifa recommendations in the shape of a roadmap would be released next month, along with a financial plan to put football in the country back on track. Please be also advised that a joint CAF-Fifa mission will be deployed to Windhoek at the beginning of December with the aim of releasing the roadmap in question,” said Mosengo-Omba. 

Cosmos, speaking through the NFA media desk, confirmed that they have received Mosengo-Omba’s letter and will swiftly move to call off the planned 17th extraordinary congress as directed by CAF. 

In a communiqué sent to all local football stakeholders yesterday, Cosmos relayed the same message, alerting them of the latest twist to their planned meeting.

“CAF and Fifa have recommended that the 17th NFA extraordinary congress that was scheduled for 20 November 2021 be put on hold. We await the full cooperation of all stakeholders in this regard. The NFA secretariat commends all members and stakeholders for their cooperation and understanding on the matter,” said Cosmos.

2021-11-18  Otniel Hembapu

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