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Probe confirms teacher’s forged qualifications

2021-05-17  Nuusita Ashipala

Probe confirms teacher’s forged qualifications

ONGWEDIVA – Ohangwena education director Isak Hamatwi has confirmed an investigation has revealed that under fire teacher Fransina Mwetufa forged her qualifications. 

The 27-year-old Mwetufa made headlines when she was initially arraigned on charges of attempted murder after she allegedly tried to kill her friend and colleague earlier in March.

Mwetufa is also facing charges of theft under false pretence, fraud, forgery and uttering after she fraudulently sold off her car and later changed to buy off the car from the new owner.

Despite several attempts, Mwetufa is alleged not to have delivered the car or the money to rebuy the car as was later agreed.

“From our side, it is clear that her qualifications are forged. We got confirmation from the institution and the matter is now in the hands of the police,” Hamatwi said. 

Crime investigations coordinator in Ohangwena, Zacharia Amakali confirmed that a case of forgery and uttering has been opened but said Mwetufa has not been charged yet.

Hamatwi said Mwetufa already resigned from her teaching job last month.

She has gone under investigation after it emerged that her qualifications could have been forged.

She used a forged senior primary honours degree from the University of Namibia to attain her teaching job at Limbandungila Primary School.

She has been teaching at the school from 2019 until her arrest in March.

Hamatwi said forging documents is immoral and a criminal offence, which is punishable by law and people should desist from such practises. In addition, this kind of behaviour is robbing those with qualifications of job opportunities and it is robbing the government of salaries.

“Whoever got their job in that manner should do the right thing before the reality catch up with them,” said Hamatwi.


2021-05-17  Nuusita Ashipala

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