
Barefoot shoe thief fined

Home Crime and Courts Barefoot shoe thief fined

WINDHOEK – A man who pleaded guilty to stealing a pair of shoes appeared barefoot in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court yesterday before Magistrate Jo-Rina Jaggere.

Jonathan Yambinge confessed to Magistrate Jaggere that he did indeed steal the pair of shoes valued at N$90 from Mr Price store in Windhoek.

He told the court under oath that he is unmarried and has no children. He further said that he is unemployed, but indicated that he is a student and wants to finish his studies this year. He however did not mention where he is studying or what he is studying.

Yambinge, who seemed at ease and smiling throughout the court proceedings, told the court that he could not afford a fine as “I am not financially stable” but offered to pay a fine of $40 or N$100, but added “currently I don’t have money for a fine”. He told the magistrate that he felt “guilty” for what he did and promised not to repeat it again.

State Prosecutor Kandiwapa Nangombe, although being new at the job just banged the same old drum that every prosecutor before her has mastered, namely that the offence is serious and prevalent in the district of Windhoek.

She said that while the shoes were recovered, the accused should be sentenced such that it will serve as a deterrent to him and other would-be offenders as well.

Magistrate Jaggere responded that the court is mindful that Yambinge is a first offender who pleaded guilty and did not waste the court’s time.

However, she said, cases of shoplifting are on the increase and shop owners are suffering grave financial losses because of this. She said that shop owners have the right to be protected by the court and the court therefore has the duty to send out a strong message that such offence would not be condoned. She sentenced Yambinge to a fine of N$500 or, in default, three months’ imprisonment.

By Roland Routh