
Bogus cattle dealer in court

Home Archived Bogus cattle dealer in court

OSHAKATI – A South African woman is accused of fraudulently pocketing N$230 000 between August and September from several farmers this year by claiming to be a cattle trader.

Her victims opened a case of fraud after the bogus cattle trader failed to deliver the cattle to them. It is alleged between August and September this year, the 33-year-old mother of three children, Sylvia Antoinette Brand, who claims to be a cattle trader approached several people all over Namibia to engage in business with her. It is further alleged the accused attracted quite a number of potential customers who deposited huge amounts of money directly into her husband’s Bank Windhoek account.

The duped clients informed the police that the accused never delivered their cattle and that that was what aroused their suspicions. Some of the farmers became impatient and flocked to her house where they demanded to be repaid their money, it has emerged. One farmer and the accused went to the Ongwediva police station to report the matter and to demand that he be reimbursed. At the police station, the accused offered to pay the farmers N$20 000 even though she owed them less money.

The Afrikaans-speaking woman who resides at Erf 4095, Hannover in Ongwediva was arrested on September 27, 2013 and she made her first appearance on a charge of fraud before Magistrate Helena Ekandjo on Monday in the Oshakati Magistrate’s Court.  On Tuesday, Brand again appeared in court for her bail application hearing, which was granted on the same day. Brand who was represented by Peter Greyling of Greyling and Associates Attorneys argued that she be granted bail on the grounds that her firstborn and last born have medical problems. Brand was granted bail of N$15 000 on condition she does not interfere with a police investigation and her case was postponed to December 02, 2013 for further investigation. Meanwhile, more people have come forward claiming to have been defrauded by Brand.



By Nuusita Ashipala