
RDP youth leaders resist suspensions

Home Archived RDP youth leaders resist suspensions

WINDHOEK – Secretary of the Rally for Democracy and Progress  (RDP) Youth League Sibuku Malumbano is rebelling against the decision by the party’s national leadership to suspend youth leaders Steve Kevanhu and Marvin Veseevete who are responsible for Mobilisation and Political Orientation and Information and Publicity respectively.

Speaking to New Era on Friday, Malumbano questioned the decision by the party to suspend the two. “I was not even informed about the two suspensions, I don’t know how the party could suspend someone without informing its leadership,” said Malumbano. The two were suspended and face a disciplinary hearing after they were accused of sowing seeds of factionalism and bringing the party into disrepute. “We find this behaviour to be undermining the leadership of the youth, foreign and extremely bizarre,” thundered Malumbano on Friday when he spoke to this reporter. He  described the suspension as a witch-hunt, saying it was part of the offensive launched by some individuals within the party to get rid of all Kandy Nehova supporters.

Nehova the RDP Secretary for International Affairs will challenge Hidipo Hamutenya for the position of party president after he was asked by supporters to stand as a candidate. “How could they suspend them without my knowledge,” asked Malumbano. Malumbano further says the suspensions are illegal and it is a clear sign that the two have been victimised for declaring their support for Nehova openly. Last week Nehova said that he is ready to contest the party presidency.  “This is a clear sign of an organisation which is panicking. They (youth) fear that the party is gaining dominance over the youth league and they are losing the confidence of the leadership,” he said. The RDP has been dogged by infighting, with deep divisions between those who support party president Hidipo Hamutenya and those who back Kandy Nehova.

By Kuzeeko Tjitemisa