Veronica de Klerk’s tips on self confidence

Home Youth Corner Veronica de Klerk’s tips on self confidence

“You are beautiful. You are successful. You are confident. You are in control. You are a Winner and I like you, because you will succeed. These are some of the words I say to myself when I look myself in the mirror especially when I get up in the mornings, not looking my very best, when I feel that my energy is running low;  and when I lack motivation with  sleepy eyes and with my hair pointing in all directions.”


“I assure you dear girls that by just looking at yourself in the mirror, by smiling at yourself, by loving yourself, and by believing in what you are repeating to yourself over and over again, you will soon feel the confidence flowing through your entire body and the fruits that can be gained from this exercise, are simply amazing.”


Here are some of the tips to help you boost your self-confidence and a positive self-perception

  • Never stop loving yourself.
  • Respect yourself, so that others will respect you.
  • Never stop growing, and never stop valuing yourself.
  • Write down all the positive attributes about yourself, your skills and all your strong points or simply anything which you do really well.
  • Practice becoming comfortable with yourself.
  • Accept yourself as you are, and don’t try to be a photocopy of someone else. After all, why do you want to be a photocopy if you are born an original?
  • Focus more on your accomplishments than on your failures.
  • Stick to your principles and have a code of conduct that you adhere to at all times.
  • Congratulate yourself on your achievements, however big or small, and remind yourself daily of the things you do well and of the courage you have shown in the past or present to achieve.
  • Choose to take up challenges, in order to succeed.
  • But allow yourself to fail!  –  Because if you don’t allow yourself to fail, you are not growing.  Thus, learn from your failures!
  • If you have set-backs, simply become a problem-solver.
  • …And above all, refuse to listen to demotivating and demoralizing statements by your friends.
  • Learn to be realistic and accept the fact that you aren’t perfect at everything   –   and you don’t have to be perfect!


  • Visualize success meaning mentally rehearse winning as winning in everything you do, even before you do it.
  • Remember that knowledge is power, and recognize yourself as being unique, and that you have a place ofimportance in this world.


Please remember, dear girls, that your worth as a human being is a birthright.    No one can take that away from you. You are unconditionally a worthy individual.   You are the masterpiece of God’s creation!