Economist challenges Grade 12 learners

Home Youth Corner Economist challenges Grade 12 learners

WINDHOEK– The Bank of Namibia (BON)’s economist, Petrus Shifotoka, is challenging  all Grade 12 learners to think of ways in which they can help the country overcome some of the socio-economic challenges.

Speaking at the Acacia High School farewell ceremony, Shifotoka told the learners that a high school certificate is a stepping stone that allows one to aim high, think bigger and advance  upward. “There is no substitute to education. There are no short-cuts when it comes to success. You can’t just drop out of school and expect to drop into a good job. It takes education to succeed in this interconnected and fast-changing global environment. Education is not only a key but also a pre-requisite to a successful life.

“It’s only because I was given a chance at an education that I can stand here tonight. My parents were not rich or famous, they didn’t have a lot of money, they didn’t have a lot of wealth, or influence but they gave me love, they taught me to aim high and they gave me an education,” says Shifotoka.

He adds that it takes hard work, courage, self-discipline and perseverance to make it at university level. “You are going to have to raise your standards, think even bigger and aim even higher and refuse to settle for anything less than your best,” he says. He further encourages learners to ask if they do not understand something.  “I was never ashamed of asking for help in school because asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it is the smart thing to do, realising that there is something that you do not understand and that you are willing to reach for it. Your imperfection should not be an excuse for not trying. You need to persevere. You need to put in the required effort and hard work. Do not quit.  Because, if you quit, you are not only quitting on yourself but you are also quitting on your country,” Shifotoka says.

He also advises the learners to use their education in to uplift their community.

“When you get your degree some days, don’t just walk away and chase the big money, the fancy cars, the fancy houses, and the fancy life. Think of something larger than yourself. Don’t just think about what goods you can buy, think about what good you can do. Go and make your contributions, in big and small ways and make a difference in people’s lives,” he motivates.


By Selma Neshiko