
Shooting From The Hip – The Usual Piece of Crap

Home Archived Shooting From The Hip – The Usual Piece of Crap

Carlos Kambaekwa

To be frankly honest, yours truly has deliberately tried by all means to shy away from the controversies in the aftermath of the highly questionable Annual Sports Awards which set tongues wagging as a result of sport administrators’ inability to apply their minds on basics, which defies all form of logic, so to speak.

The permanently bungling sports authorities appear to have become a law unto themselves and would never heed any advice from those in the know on how to stick to basics.

It’s quite trifling to notice that the very same people that are entrusted with guarding the Namibian Sport Act of 2003 are now the chief abusers of the very same sacred stack of documents they are supposed to uphold.

The choice of near-achieving and injury-prone Agnes Samaria for the prestigious award of Senior Sportswoman of the Year is beyond any comprehension.

Fair enough, the Sister has been on the circuit for quite a while but alas, smashing Namibian records while competing abroad should not be used as a yardstick for success – the measurement of achievement should be based on medals.

What kind of signal is the Namibian Sports Commission sending out to many aspiring athletes out there – sport authorities surely need to define the difference between Global and Continental participation, or how else does one explain the absence of any silverware from the Sport Commission in the Trophy Cabinet at Lichtenstein Street?

The rugby team played at their third consecutive World Cup finals and did certainly not disappoint which resulted in several players snatching up lucrative contracts with professional teams abroad, but for some strange reasons the team was overlooked and has to make space for the Brave Warriors, courtesy of their last-minute qualification for next year’s African Cup of Nations finals in Ghana.

Football almost swept all accolades on offer with the NFA being given a questionable pat on the back for their apparent Best Development Programme. Having an eye-catching blueprint in place is one thing but the implementation thereof is a different kettle of fish.

Over the years, Romanian imports Juliana Simonfi and Vasile Bogdan have both been overlooked for the prestigious Coach of the Year Award despite their never-ending success with local gymnasts because of their nationality status, but this clause was suddenly thrown into the dustbin to make way for Zambian import Ben Bamfuchile.

Poor Nestor Tobias must be wondering where he has gone wrong after the long-serving boxing guru produced a significant number of World class boxers, and yet authorities are giving him and his charges the cold shoulder.

Is it perhaps payback time for the meaningless and dusty President Award that was showered upon the Chief Administrator of the National Sport Commission at this year’s NFA Awards?

Yours truly has on numerous occasions sought clarity on the merits of selection but up to this day there are just none, which renders the selection process a big joke and I put my head on the block the usual piece of crap is likely to repeat itself at the on-and-off Media Sports Awards.

The National Sport Commission is laden with great men of repute and Brra Stan is just not your ordinary bloke around the corner, he has been around for quite a while and seen it all, but things are just not all that rosy on the administrative level.

Dear readers, let me please pen off here because my ageing fingers are trembling from anger.