
ETSIP Gets Equipment Boost

Home Archived ETSIP Gets Equipment Boost

By Frederick Philander


The USAID Basic Education Support 3 Project and the Ministry of Education on Friday jointly handed over a number of laptops, digital cameras and stationery to a group of educational team leaders involved in improving the quality of education.

According to Johan van Wyk, deputy director of IT in the Ministry of Education, the electronic equipment and stationery will be used by the ministry’s National External School Evaluation (NESE) team leaders during their visits to schools in the regions to carry out external evaluations which started in March last year.

“The NESE aims to help schools identify their strengths and weaknesses and work on the latter to improve the quality of education at the schools. So far 30 schools have been evaluated.

“The contribution is part of the National Standards and Performance Indicators for Schools, which forms part of the overall education improvement programme called ETSIP (Education and Training Sector Improvement Programme),” he said.