
Standard Bank Extends Support for Student Soccer

Home Archived Standard Bank Extends Support for Student Soccer

By Carlos Kambaekwa


The format for this year’s annual Tertiary Institutions Sports Associations of Namibia (Tisan) top eight football tournament has been adjusted and all seventeen affiliates will get an equal chance to stake a claim for the coveted trophy in both the men and women’s division.

The five-day tourney is scheduled for the 15th of next month in the capital and Standard Bank Namibia has once again reaffirmed its commitment towards the development of sports at all levels with a handsome sponsorship of N$100,000 for the annual event.

“There are proven social benefits of sport and I would like to mention a few,” said the Head of Marketing: Standard Bank Namibia, Thaddius Maswahu, at the sponsorship handover ceremony in Windhoek last week.

“Sport improves communication and interpersonal skills, increases interest in accepting responsibility, teaches ability to cope with the ecstasy of winning and agony of losing and the ability to assume responsible risk-taking.”

He added that people should not forget the personal benefits which are the enjoyment factor, increased self-esteem and self-confidence and above all, an improved ability to concentrate.

“There are no disadvantages of being involved in sports and recreation and it’s therefore with great pleasure that Standard Bank supports Tisan’s sport festival in August this year. We are very proud to be part of an institution whose sole aim is the happiness and welfare of young Namibians and our support of N$100,000 will hopefully go a long way in ensuring joy, team building and health of our young Namibians.”

The president of Tisan Werner Jeffrey applauded Standard Bank for the generous sponsorship and urged other institutions to follow suit.

“Students are the leaders of tomorrow and will have a major role to play and to prepare them properly for that, we need to use sport as a vehicle to achieve this objective, so it’s my sincere wish that all stakeholders join the fray because we cannot just feed off government to sustain sport.”

Jeffery further requested the sports minister to convince his fellow lawmakers to relax tax laws on companies that are committing themselves towards the development of sport through various sponsorships. He said world acclaimed athletes Agnes Samaria and Elizabeth Mongudhi are the products of Tisan.

In his keynote address, the Minister of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture Reverend Willem Konjore said Namibia has achieved continental and international successes that makes the nation proud of being citizens of this country.

“The united front shown by sports practitioners and sponsors alike is proof that we are one nation with confidence symbolized by our sporting competence. It’s no doubt that a national victory by any sporting code instills a belief of self-worth and builds a nation’s pride.”

Konjore emphasized the importance of accountability amongst sport administrators and commended Standard Bank for its generous sponsorship to Tisan. He thanked the company in anticipation of its future commitments towards the development of sport.

“Please continue to sponsor the development of sport in our country because I believe your contribution will pay off in the long run and I would also like to invite and softly challenge others to follow suit,” concluded Konjore.