
//Kharas education director wants capacitation of libraries

Home National //Kharas education director wants capacitation of libraries

KEETMANSHOOP – //Kharas education director /Awebahe  //Hoeseb has called on all stakeholders in education to ensure that libraries are equipped with the necessary Information and Communication Technologies.

Speaking during the official launch of the 2018 adult learners’ week at Noordoewer last Saturday, //Hoeseb said adult education remains essential as it is important that all people regardless of age are able to read and understand the world around them especially in the modern era of technology.

He stated that it is unfortunate that there are those that still lag behind in terms of access to information, especially those in rural areas where libraries are not available, while where there are libraries available, they are not equipped with modern day technologies that people can use.

“It is essential that all the people, young and adult, be literate, so that they can read, research and understand the immediate world around them, this requires us to bring libraries and resource centres closer to our rural communities, and to equip those libraries with ICT, and create room for adult learners to obtain functional information literacy skills,” he said.

He further indicated there is regrettably a digital divide in Namibia as there are those unfortunate adult learners who do not have access to digital media and thus do not know how and where to find information, and they do not understand the value of possessing information literacy skills and how it can help them in their day to day activities.

The director therefore encouraged all stakeholders to do what is necessary to assist those adults to attain such skills, saying the only way they can gain such skills is if such information is made available during the adult literacy lessons.
“In this regard, this regional directorate would like to humbly appeal to all stakeholders in education, both political leaders and captains of industry, for technical as well as material support, to ensure resourcing of libraries with ICT equipment in the whole of //Kharas Region,” he appealed.

He said the literacy week activities should serve as a platform for different stakeholders to join and to sensitise everyone about the importance of possessing functional information literacy.

Noordoewer in the Karasburg West is hosting this year’s literacy week under the theme promoting literacy and skills development.