
Kavango Food Expo a resounding success – Mbambo

Home National Kavango Food Expo a resounding success – Mbambo

RUNDU – Kavango East Regional Governor Dr Samuel Mbambo remarked that although the recently held Food Expo appeared like a small event, its impact is bigger in the government’s all-inclusive Harambee Prosperity Plan (HPP) and the message has been sent out to the world.

“The event may seem to be small but its impact on the program of Harambee Prosperity Plan is huge, it may seem small to some and had few participants but the Food Expo is of great importance, the message of this event is not only limited to the people of Kavango East Region but to the world out there,” noted Mbambo during the closing ceremony held on Saturday afternoon.

“UN organisations such as UNESCO, World Food Organisation, some SADC countries such as Zimbabwe and Zambia were present, our sister regions such as Otjozondjupa, Hardap, Oshikoto and Ohangwena were also here,” said the regional governor who appeared content with the outcome.

He also commended the participants who among them the Namibian youths. “All six onstituencies of Kavango East Region were here to participate, what gives me hope is the enthusiastic participants of our SMEs especially young people who came with their various businesses to showcase. I cannot thank you enough for your participation, I’m aware of the challenges you might have faced but as you all know doing business is like going fishing you are not sure of how many fish you will bring home, or which type of fish you will catch.” 

Participants displayed and sold different types of food and fresh produce such as fish, vegetables, mahangu, poultry and numerous other products. “Don’t be discouraged because you didn’t get good business but what’s important is that now people know you and your business,” he informed exhibitors.

The Food Expo which started with a food conference on Thursday ended on Saturday afternoon and it was sponsored by various companies and agencies with Old Mutual being the main sponsor.