
Ohangwena unveils N$13 million oxidation ponds

Home National Ohangwena unveils N$13 million oxidation ponds

ONGWEDIVA – Minister of Urban and Rural Development Peya Mushelenga exhorted the Ohangwena regional leadership to closely monitor the implementation of developmental projects in the region.

Mushelenga said the leadership should bring to book those responsible for slow to non-implementation of developmental projects.

Mushelenga made the remarks on Monday at the handing over of an oxidation pond at Ongenga to Ohangwena Regional Council.

The N$13 million oxidation pond was constructed through a trust fund and funds sourced by the Ohangwena Regional Council.

The minister said he has noted with grave concern that some communities do not receive the services intended for them because council is either slow or is not implementing the budgeted developmental projects.
While the delay is in most cases blamed on the supposed lengthy procurement process, the minister reckons that much of the delay is fueled by internal factors such as poor development planning and other internal capacity constraints.

“The unfortunate consequence of non or delayed implementation of capital projects is that monies that have been budgeted for is not utilised and get taken away or relocated from our vote to other needs in other sectors. This is not good and must be avoided,” he said.

The minister said the oxidation pond at Ongenga is essential to ensure the sanitation intervention at Ongenga is complete and that the sewer water is safely disposed and does not flow into the open flood plains. Equally, the minister said the oxidation pond is part of the government’s plan to roll out sanitation facilities as part of its key priorities in the various development plans.

Although Namibia has made good strides in expanding sanitation services in formal urban areas, access to improved sanitation and hygiene remains a challenge in rural areas.
According to the minister, a large population in the informal settlement do not have access to basic sanitation facilities and often practice open defecation or use other unhygienic practices.