
‘Frustrated’ Schickerling quits Sports Commission …cites lack of work ethics and unprofessionalism

Home National ‘Frustrated’ Schickerling quits Sports Commission …cites lack of work ethics and unprofessionalism

Otniel Hembapu

WINDHOEK – Veteran sports administrator, Jesse Schickerling, has cited frustration, lack of teamwork, and pure disregard of his opinions as some of the reasons for his hasty resignation as a Commissioner on the Namibia Sports Commission (NSC) board.

In a lengthy letter addressed to the Minister of Sport, Youth and National Service, Schickerling said his decision to quit the NSC is a result of continuous frustration, and the lack of proper work ethics by his fellow Commissioners and the NSC’s Chief Administrator, Freddy Mwiya, whom Schickerling says makes decisions that are beyond his designated powers.

“He (Mwiya) and office staff do as they please, disregarding the stance of the Commissioners. The latest example is the number of staff who, notwithstanding objections by the Commissioners, attended the recent Youth Games. Unfortunately, on many occasions, advice given by me with open and honest intention is received and interpreted as being hostile. The result is an endless circle of frustration for me. Another example is the manner in which the current Chief Administrator was appointed. The last incident is the arbitrary manner in which the salary package of the CA was purportedly agreed upon…Unfortunately for me, the NSC has become a vehicle usurping a vast amount of funding [that is] supposed to benefit athletes. The overheads of the NSC, in my respectful view, simply continue to grow exponentially, whilst the value added to sport is not commensurate with the costs of the NSC,” reads part of Schickerling’s communiqué to the Minister.

Schickerling further said: “More often than not, decisions are simply taken by one or two individuals in [an] arbitrary manner, without endorsement by the Commission, including particular decisions that have financial implications. Although I intend no disrespect towards any fellow commissioner, my particular work method and values are unable to accept a less than perfect approach…Unfortunately, the above issues cause unnecessary strain which I am no longer willing to endure. It is for the above reasons that I herewith tender my resignation as Commissioner of the Namibia Sports Commission – effective immediately”

Contacted to comment yesterday, NSC Chairperson, Joel Matheus, said he is aware of Schickerling’s resignation as a Commissioner, but it will be premature for him to comment on the allegations made in Schickerling’s letter, as his letter was addressed to the minister; hence, he cannot override the minister by responding first, although he is the chairperson of the Commission.

“But what I can perhaps clarify here is [that] the allegations being made about Mwiya’s salary, which he (Schickerling) claims was agreed upon in an unpopular manner. As an outgoing Commissioner, Schickerling knows that the NSC is recognised and categorised as a Public Enterprise, and the Act that governs Public Enterprises is very clear on the remuneration of Chief Executive Officers and so forth – and with Mwiya, we simply followed the new Act, as the NSC was previously not regarded as a Public Enterprise by government. So, the matter is that straightforward; I don’t understand what the fuss is all about. But I’m sure the minister, himself, will soon comment on the issue once he has fully digested his (Schickerling) letter and provide the public with facts,” said Mwiya.

Various Commissioners that spoke to New Era Sport, on condition of anonymity, accused Schickerling is having a personal vendetta against Mwiya, saying that Schickerling was the only Commissioner who was opposed to Mwiya’s appointment as NSC Chief Administrator, despite him being the most qualified candidate to steer the NSC ship.

“I think Schickerling is being a bit unfair here; why did he write the letter straight to the minister, while the board chairperson is there? With all due respect, Schickerling is in no position to complain about our work ethics, while he is the one who never attends board meetings. I think, out of eight meetings we had this year, he (Schickerling) only attended two meetings, and he hardly contributes to anything here as well, so I think his resignation is a blessing in disguise if you ask me. The man has personal issues with Mwiya and people here: he wants to advance his own interests at the expense of the nation,” anonymously claimed one of the Commissioners.