
Ministry alerts farmers to looming drought

Home National Ministry alerts farmers to looming drought

ONGWEDIVA – The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry has advised farmers in northern Namibia to prepare themselves for a possible drought because of erratic rainfall so far this rainy season. 

According to Leonard Hango, a hydrologist from the ministry, it is predicted that Namibia and the rest of Southern Africa will receive medium to low rainfall in 2019. This is due to the El Niño conditions, which are known to be responsible for prolonged dry spells. 

“Medium to low prediction means that some people will get enough rain, while some will get very little. But rain in the Southern Hemisphere is sporadic, and it is difficult to tell which area will receive enough rain and which will get less,” said Hango. 

Hango said the prolonged dry spell lasted between November and January and now Namibia only has about two to three months of the rainy season remaining. Thus the country remains hopeful that most parts will still receive sufficient rain. So far the only part of Namibia reported to have recently received good rain is Okongo in Ohangwena Region.

“But our people need to get used to the fact that Namibia is a dry country and it is only a few years that we receive really good rains. Thus our farmers should always be alert and prepare for a possible drought,” he said. 

Hango further stated that this year there is no likelihood of floods as the southern Angolan water catchments that normally flow towards northern Namibia are equally dry.