
NEPC and RedForce Debt Management form pact

Home National NEPC and RedForce Debt Management form pact

WINDHOEK – New Era Publication Corporation [NEPC], the publisher of New Era and Kundana newspapers, has teamed up with RedForce Debt Management for the latter to help collect monies owned to the newspaper group.
RedForce, contracted for two years, is tasked to help collect historic debts owed to NEPC, the Corporation’s Acting CEO Benjamin Jakobs said.

Jakobs said while he understood the challenges facing debtors in fulfilling their obligations towards NEPC, it was critical that payments are fully honoured to enable the Corporation to attain its national mandate.

Jakobs urged clients to cooperate with RedForce in its execution of this task.  RedForce CEO Julius Nyamazana said the exercise was critical in helping NEPC boost its liquidity and to enable the news corporation to operate optimally.  
RedForce has a track record of having successfully served major clients in the banking and local authorities sectors, amongst others.