
Speaker to lead Namibian delegation to IPU

Home National Speaker to lead Namibian delegation to IPU

George Sanzila

WINDHOEK – Speaker of the National Assembly Professor Peter Katjavivi will lead a delegation of Namibian parliamentarians to the 140th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly to be held in Doha, Qatar from April 6 to 10. 
The IPU Assembly is a global organization of parliaments that brings together parliamentarians to identify international challenges and make recommendations for action. 

According to a statement released by the world parliamentary body ahead of the meeting, over 1 600 parliamentarians, UN partners and experts from around the world are expected to attend the meeting to expound on issues such as gender equality, promotion of human rights and renewable energy, among many others. This year’s overarching theme for the assembly is “Parliaments as platforms to enhance education for peace, security and the rule of law.”

The latter issues would also serve as the basis for parliamentary contributions to the high-level political forum on sustainable development at the United Nations in July this year. 

The upcoming UN forum will consider the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4 which advocates quality education and goal 16 that looks at peaceful societies, rule of law and strong and effective institutions at all levels.
The assembly that has been a strong proponent of women empowerment, will also consider ways to encourage more women participation in politics through its forum of women parliamentarians at the event. 

Out of the 1 600 lawmakers expected to attend, 30 percent are women. Other equally important segments of the population represented at the meeting will include young MPs under the age of 45, who will make up about 19 percent of the total number of parliamentarians. 

The membership of the global body of parliaments will also increase to 179 member countries. St Vincent and the Grenadines will participate at the event this year and has expressed its willingness to join the body. Other small island nations that are not yet members will also attend the meeting as observers.

Over 160 countries will be represented at this year’s gathering, including 80 speakers of parliament and 40 deputy speakers.
*George Sanzila works for the National Assembly in the Information Sub Division