
Namibia Women’s Expo team donates clothing

Home Front Page News Namibia Women’s Expo team donates clothing

Paheja Siririka 

WINDHOEK- A team of young Namibian women took to the streets of different locations in Windhoek in a surge to donate items to the needy as part of their corporate social responsibilities. The eight dedicated ladies handed over donations to Children Life Centre Orphanage in Okuryangava which accommodates 48 children and four caretakers. “In the Havana informal settlement, we gave blazers to over 50 men and about 100 dresses to women, we also went to the car guards at Single Quarters and gave around 10 blazers,” said Frieda Gwiiyambo Nambwadja, the founder of the Namibia Women Expo. 

“The items given were assorted, we handed out dresses, pants, skirts, blouses, shirts, blazers, coats, face cloths and toothbrushes,” she said. Nambwadja said, for the orphanage and how they chose that specific one, someone recommended it on social media. “As for Havana and Single Quarters, it was the team’s decision, but in the next few months we will change venues hence our plan is to cover the whole of Windhoek then we can go to other towns.

Nambwadja owns a business called Iikutu Ya Gwiiyambo that sells new and thrift clothing. “I always put away clothing from my monthly sales and this is what led to the start of this project of giving away to the public because there are people that cannot afford and if I have something left, I would like to share it with my fellow Namibians to make the country great,” said Nambwadja.

The 2019 Namibian Women Expo is slated for July 5 -7 2019. The women’s expo is an excellent venue to showcase products and services their organizations provide to the community and to reach women of all ages in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. “Guests are able to unwind and have fun while shopping, enjoying spa treatments,” said Nambwadja. The Expo is an event designed specifically for women of all ages and men by providing an array of products, services, performance and topics of discussion all in the one-day event. 

The aim of the expo is to encourage participation from women from all over the country, not excluding men to showcase services and talents. “We want to provide an opportune link to government, local businesses and non-profit organizations,” pointed out Nambwadja. Fun is part of living, the expo will provide a fun, interactive, education and inspirational environment for women of all ages, she said.