
VP discourages infighting amongst traditional communities

Home National VP discourages infighting amongst traditional communities

MUKWE – Vice-President Nangolo Mbumba says it is very disheartening that  a culture of infighting exists amongst traditional communities which is bringing disrepute into the affairs and administration of traditional authorities.

Mbumba made the remarks during the Hambukushu Cultural Festival held at Mukwe Tribal Office on Saturday. Mbumba could not make it to the event but was represented by the special advisor on health issues in the Office of the Presidency, Bernard Haufiku, who also read his official statement on his behalf.
“It seems like everybody wants to become a chief, hompa or a fumu – on a daily basis we read and hear about the infighting, labelling and manoeuvring of those that are claiming their stake to the thrones,” Mbumba said.

Sometime last year a committee of members of the Hambukushu tribe was established to dethrone Chief Erwin Mbambo for a myriad of alleged transgressions, but the committee after several failed attempts gave up their mission publicly. This affair has divided the Hambukushu community.

“Those that are doing so should know that Namibia is governed by the rule of law. Furthermore, the peace and tranquillity we are enjoying today is partly due to the harmonious existence of traditional authorities and its subjects, so be mindful that it is the community you serve that suffers when disputes arise; as the saying goes and I quote: ‘when two elephants are fighting it is the grass that suffers,’” he added.

Mbumba encouraged traditional leaders to be exemplary model citizens that have a positive impact on the community they serve. 

Haufiku on behalf of the VP noted that the time has come for people to understand the implications of climate change, whereby the normal way of living is drastically affected. “Hence I can call upon the Hambukushu community and the people of Kavango to make use of the God-given water from the Kavango River to engage in agricultural food production. At the same time, I call upon the regional leadership to assist the community on how best to engage in irrigation projects for food production by sourcing funding for them and by comprehensively putting systems in place as a long-term solution,” he said.