
Indonesian tourists robbed while asleep in Khorixas

Home National Indonesian tourists robbed while asleep in Khorixas

WINDHOEK – Tourists from Indonesian were robbed of their goods while asleep at a lodge in Khorixas on Thursday last week, police say.

The stolen goods are estimated to be worth more than N$200 0000. 
According to the Namibian police (Nampol) weekly crime report, while toursists slept, an unknown suspect broke into their adjacent sleeping rooms and stole their items. 

The goods stolen are two cameras valued at N$77 760, two camera lenses with a combined value of N$57 600, four cellphones with a combined value of N$43 200 and three camera bags with a combined value of N$4 320. In addition, the thieves stole N$42 300 in cash. The total value of the goods is N$225 180, according to Nampol.

The police are yet to make an arrest in the matter and no recoveries have been made thus far. Police investigations are ongoing in the case.

In an unrelated incident, a 49-year-old suspected poacher was shot in Omaruru when he tried to hit reservist police officers with stones in an attempt to flee.

It is alleged that the suspect and his co-accused were found on a local farm in Omaruru poaching when the shooting happened. The police officers while busy with farm patrols received a phone call about a possible poaching incident on the farm. The officers allegedly followed the footprints until they come across a scene where poachers had killed two Oryx. Upon further following the footprints, they found three men busy hanging meat on wires. When they saw the officers, the suspected poachers fled the scene. 

The officers chased them and one of them allegedly started throwing stones at the officers. The suspect was allegedly warned to stop throwing stones and several warning shots were fired but he ignored the warnings. He was then shot and injured on the right leg. The suspect is currently receiving medical attention at Omaruru State Hospital under the watchful eye of the police. The other two suspects who managed to escape are well known but have not yet been arrested.