
Lorde EMH revolutionises fashion with hats

Home National Lorde EMH revolutionises fashion with hats

 Paheja Siririka

WINDHOEK – Lorde EMH wants to revolutionise the way fashion is viewed not only in Namibia but also the world over. He is doing this through making hats. One might think, what is unique about these hats that have been worn by A-list American celebrities such as Amber Rose, Billy Ray Cyrus, and recently his daughter Noah Cyrus in a music video. 

Fashion philanthropist Ennio Mathews Jnr Hamutenya is a 22-year-old fashion aficionado from Okalongo village in the Omusati Region of northern Namibia, who has been based in Los Angeles, California, for the past two years.

With no formal education in fashion, Lorde EMH has a Bachelors in Business Administration. “I am currently furthering my studies part-time, doing a specialisation certificate in finance. 
With a huge appetite for fashion, he has been making hats for two years. “My hats are a representation of who I am as a person and what I want our nation to be,” he said. What is unique about these hats is the process of making them, he adds. 

“Our hats are burnt in a village in Omuthiya, where my family currently reside, he said. 
Hamutenya said the trademark burn takes place during a traditional ceremony called ekala po lu pale. “When the alpha of the village is present, we have to keep the fire lit, paying respect to the alpha’s presence, the hats are burnt during the start of the tradition to signify power,” explained Hamutenya.

As to why he specifically chose to venture into hat-making, Hamutenya says it is all about the look. “I believe a hat is an accessory, which can change a look of any outfit instantly and effectively.  But hats are just the beginning, you will see a full clothing line soon. For now, a step at a time,” he professed. 
Hamutenya revealed to Entertainment Now! that materials for making the hats are from Florence in Italy, hand moulding happens in Los Angeles and then they are burnt in Namibia. 

“The turnaround time for making the hats is about two weeks because after they’ve been made in my factory, they must be shipped to my village where the hats are burnt by the villagers themselves, who are a very important part of my team,” detailed Hamutenya.

Hamutenya says he believes he can use his influence to make a big difference with the Namibian mentality and push the nation forward, opening doors and breaking all the barriers faced in the fashion industry.  “I’d been living in Los Angeles for two years when one day, I just decided to pack my bags and go and chase my dreams, nothing was going to stop me,” he said.