
Geingob attends Ticad 7 in Japan

Home National Geingob attends Ticad 7 in Japan

WINDHOEK- President Hage Geingob was yesterday expected in Japan for the 7th edition of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (Ticad) that kicks off today.

In Japan, according to Press Secretary Alfredo Hengari, he will hold several bilateral meetings, including with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe. Hengari in a press statement late on Monday said Geingob will be on official mission to Japan from 28-30 August 2019.

He said Geingob will take part in two plenary sessions, Public Private Business Dialogue and Deepening Sustainable and Resilient Society for Human Security. 

According to him, Geingob will also provide an intervention during a thematic debate on the Blue Economy tomorrow.

Ticad is an international conference on Africa’s development initiated by Japan in 1993. 
Since its inception, it has become an important platform for collective dialogue and an effective mechanism for enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation between African countries and Japan. 

The seventh Tokyo Intentional Conference on African Development will be held under the theme “Advancing Africa’s Development through People, Technology, and Innovation”. 

The theme will be discussed under three pillars, with the first pillar being Accelerating Economic Transformation and Improving Business Environment Through Innovation and Private Sector Engagement.
This pillar recognises the importance of economic diversification and industrialisation through connectivity, technology and innovation to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic transformation and growth. It also recognises the critical role of private sector involvement.

The second pillar, Deepening Sustainable and Resilient Society: This pillar acknowledges the important role of connectivity in terms of people, institutions and countries, as well as science, technology and innovation for building sustainable and resilient societies by reducing poverty, promoting human security, improving livelihoods, proving access to healthcare, facilitating inclusion, addressing climate change, managing rapid urbanisation and promoting social cohesion. 

And the third being, Strengthening Peace and Stability: This pillar reiterates the importance of promoting human security, peace and stability through a people-centered approach to development and by strengthening institutions at local, national and continental levels in order to address the root causes of conflict. 

Heads of State and Government are expected to adopt the “Yokohama Declaration”, and an accompanying “Yokohama Action Plan”, as outcome documents of the Ticad 7 summit.

Launched by Japan to promote Africa’s development, Ticad has over the years grown into a major global and multilateral forum for mobilising and sustaining international support for Africa’s development under the principles of Africa ownership and international partnership.