
Kaaronda chickens out of presidential race

Home Front Page News Kaaronda chickens out of presidential race

WINDHOEK – Unionist Evilastus Kaaronda said he has abolished plans to contest the Presidential and National Assembly elections this year because of all the drama involved in the run-up to the 27 November polls. 

According to Kaaronda, they will now concentrate on campaigning and contesting the 2020 local and regional authority elections.

In June this year Kaaronda, under the banner of Power party, had announced his ambition to challenge for the presidency as well as contest the National Assembly election.

At the time he claimed his party would tackle pressing issues affecting the country, such as theft and corruption, high unemployment and the land question, among others.

However, Kaaronda and Power have not been registered to partake in the elections. And he confirmed yesterday that he was no longer interested in the 27 November elections.

He claimed they had secured all the necessary requirements, including securing at least 500 signatures in all 14 regions as per the Electoral Act. 

“I am not going to be involved in this madness that we saw on national television. We took a decision to participate in the regional and local authority elections next year because we do not have money to waste,” Kaaronda said yesterday.

“It is clear that the election is already won before ballot is cast. It seems there are winners already since the EVMs [electronic voting machines] are missing; you don’t know exactly what it is those guys are intending to do with these things and how they can manipulate the outcome of the election through the EVMs,” he said, while defending his actions of not contesting the upcoming polls. 

Kaaronda further expounded that they see the contest as a waste of time, adding that they now have better things to do.

“We thought many of these things will be put to place but when we see the dramas are still happening, it no longer makes sense to participate in the elections. We have all the necessary requirements and resources needed but we have decided to put everything on hold until next year,” he lamented.

He said that with all the drama nothing is going to work hence they opted to target the people on the ground through contesting the elections next year.