
Commemorative banknote slated for Independence celebration

Home Business Commemorative banknote slated for Independence celebration

The Bank of Namibia has confirmed it will launch a commemorative banknote on 21 March 2020. The Bank is mandated by the Bank of Namibia Act 1997 (Act No. 15 of 1997) as amended, to issue banknotes and coins as legal tender in Namibia.

The commemorative banknote will be introduced in celebration of Namibia’s 30th Independence anniversary. According to Dr Emma Haiyambo, director in the Bank’s department of strategic communications and financial sector, further details on the envisaged launch and issuance of the commemorative banknote 
will be communicated to the members of the public in due course.

“The issuance of commemorative banknotes is a common practice among central banks all over the world. Commemorative banknotes and coins are normally issued by central banks to commemorate national events that are deemed significant to a country or to a central bank. Namibia’s currency symbolises independence, national pride and national heritage,” read a statement by Dr Haiyambo. 

“Over the years, the Bank of Namibia has issued notes and coins, and will continue to execute this task of national banknotes production in the manner in which costs are fully absorbed by revenue,” she added.