
Nominate capable leaders – Tjongarero

Home National Nominate capable leaders – Tjongarero

Steven Klukowski

KEETMANSHOOP – Deputy youth minister and one of the Swapo national leaders assigned to the //Kharas region, Agnes Tjongarero, has implored party members to exercise honesty without fear or favour. “As a politician, you should first observe and sum up the environment you are in before addressing your audience,” Tjongarero told party members recently, adding that leaders should develop a culture of speaking in the language of the audience they address. 

“If you fail to do so, you might kill issues which do not come up properly due to a lack of common understanding,” Tjongarero warned. She further advised those who meet the requirements to be nominated as candidates for this year’s regional council and local authority elections to seriously consider it before availing themselves. “If you conform to all requirements but are not a people’s person, you should decline to enter the race for nomination since people will not follow you,” she stressed. 

She then advised party structures to first assess their candidates and replace them when they lack in some areas. “We should first look into the character of candidates and rather select those who can pull the party first and then the rest together.” She challenged party leaders to ensure service delivery is accelerated. 
“We did not provide the services our people want and this caused what happened in the elections,” she highlighted. Tjongarero then urged party members to be serious about their party, as they all joined out of conviction and not by force. “I hope that we, as party cadres, will be really serious this year.” 

Speaking at the same meeting, Swapo regional coordinator Matheus Mumbala called on members to act with dedication and commitment in their dealings and in the interest of the Party and the Namibian nation at large. “If people do not vote in your favour to become a candidate for the regional council and local authority vacant councillor positions, you should respect the decision and not run to courts,” he advised party members. 

Mumbala further raised the concern that the party sometimes appoints the wrong people in positions whilst the capable ones are waiting outside. “We must go back to the drawing board and investigate what went wrong last year – what have we done for the nation, as the last year’s election results clearly indicate there are things to be rectified,” Mumbala said. – sklukowski@nepc.com.na