
Haikali says he’s not part of  anti-Kauta cabal

Home Sports Haikali says he’s not part of  anti-Kauta cabal

Namibia Football Association (NFA) president-elect, Ranga Haikali, yesterday moved swiftly to distance himself from growing accusations linking him to a group of Namibia Premier League (NPL) clubs planning to move a motion of no confidence in reigning NPL chairperson Patrick Kauta.

Social media and local news platforms have in recent weeks been abuzz with circulating messages accusing Haikali of being the chief architect of ongoing efforts to topple Kauta from the NPL throne. 
A cabal of certain clubs within the suspended NPL is also being accused of siding with Haikali to amplify in their plans to put in a vote of no confidence in Kauta and his executive team. Amongst the messages circulating, it is alleged that the plan is for the clubs and Haikali to form a strong block that will spearhead Kauta’s downfall as league chairman.

Asked about his affiliation to the “anti-Kauta” cabal by this publication yesterday, a strongly dismissive Haikali rubbished such claims and maintained that his only intension and ambition is to see Namibian football start and players earning a living.

“It’s totally not true at all. I’m not part of such a group and neither do I have plans of forcefully removing Kauta and his colleagues from their position because that’s up to the NPL clubs themselves to do. 
“When I took over office at the NFA, I immediately called for unity and teamwork – and that remains my position. I’m not part of any group accused of planning to put in a vote of no confidence in Kauta and his team, and never will I be part of such regressive efforts. As said, my only wish and prayer are to see football start, and that will require both the NPL and NFA to work together. This issues can be resolved but teamwork will be required from all sides,” said Haikali. 

“During my recent familiarisation tour to Football House, I also used that opportunity to meet and greet the NPL office staff, and in my short interaction with the league’s CEO Harald Fuelle, I equally assured him that the current impasse in football can be resolved if all parties seat and talk. So, why would I now go around and start telling clubs to turn against their own leadership? That’s not for me to do but up to the clubs themselves to decide on their future. My wish is for football to start and for that to happen as soon as possible” 

“I still maintain that standing. In any setup – be it a business setup or wherever – there is always a hierarchy and that natural standing order of things must be respected at all times. The fact here is that the NPL is an affiliate of the NFA and not the other way around. 

What that means is that the NFA is top of the hierarchy and the NPL cannot go on doing as they wish. You can’t have a situation where the NFA is dictating and refusing to comply with Fifa directives. How will that even work out? Someone has to listen to someone as provided for by natural structures of governance – and in this case, the NPL must comply with those NFA directives as clearly issued to them,” maintained Haikali.