
Baby girl drowns in a pond

Home National Baby girl drowns in a pond

A three-year-old baby drowned in a pond while fetching water on Saturday evening at Eembidi village in Ohangwena region. In this week’s crime report issued by Namibian police, it is alleged that the infant, Sirkka Naveuye Hamunyela, was with another child fetching water from a pond situated near their house. The police said in the process of drawing water, her container fell into the pond and Hamunyela made an attempt to retrieve it resulting in her falling into the pond.  Her next of kin were informed and police investigation continues.

Police opened a case of drowning after a body of 25-year-old man was discovered in a decomposing state in a water canal by an employee of NamWater. The incident happened at Omangolowani village in Omusati region. “The deceased was allegedly seen last Thursday when he went out to the cuca shops but never returned,

Police arrested a 20-year-old man after he allegedly raped his nine-year-old cousin while she was sleeping at Onanhadi village in Ohangwena region. The incident happened on Sunday between 00h00 and 02h00.  Police said the suspect and the victim reside in the same house.

 Police at Oshakati impounded 43 containers of petrol and a Toyota Hilux pick-up, which was used in the commission of offence on Saturday morning at Okangwena location.  “It is alleged that a female suspect ran away after she was found selling illegal fuel,” said the police.

In an unrelated matter, the police at Iikokola village in Oshikoto region opened an inquest case after a 22-year-old Angolan was found lying dead under a tree with an electrical cable around his neck. Police say no suicide note was found. The incident happened around.