
Erongo considers mass testing

Home Front Page News Erongo considers mass testing

The ministry of health is still considering the possible mass random testing of inhabitants of Erongo region, specifically in Walvis Bay, which so far has four positive cases of Covid-19.  The ministry said it is still trying to trace the origin of the last transmissions of the latest positive cases detected at Walvis Bay.  

The latest positive cases involve an accountant employed at a private hospital and an employee of the correctional facility.  Both patients have no travel history. Erongo health director Anna Jonas, during a Covid-19 media interaction yesterday, explained the ministry of health is in the process of mapping out the similarities identified in all people who tested positive, to get a clear picture on how to roll out the random testing. “After that, we are planning to do active case searches, which involves people who have been confirmed positive or are suspected of being infected, as well as those who work in high risk areas. Once the plans have been finalised, testing will start based on that,” Jonas explained via skype. She highlighted the health ministry is also considering testing those travelled outside the region as a measure to control the spread of Covid-19. “This is something the ministry has been considering.  We might even go as far as quarantining those that want to travel outside the region, just to ensure they are free from Covid-19 and that they are not exporting it to other parts of the country,” she added. Hence she says the ministry only allows travelling permits for medical and other critical reasons as a measure to minimise movement from the region. “It must be a really critical issue such as medical services that cannot be done in the region,” stated the regional health director.
Also taking part in the discussions, the Erongo governor, Neville Andre said residents are starting to understand the seriousness of the lockdown, despite the economic challenges that come with it.

“I am appealing to residents to continue minimising movement as well as prevent contact where necessary. It is not only the government’s responsibility to ensure our safety, but all residents should make sure they follow the regulations of the lockdown, so we avoid more cases in our region,” Andre said.

He also applauded towns such as Omaruru, Usakos and Arandis for also ensuring residents adhered to the lockdown rules. Regional police commander, Commissioner Andreas Nelumbu on his part said that crime overally has decreased in the entire region, however, transgressions related to the lockdown regulations are still being experienced.

“These are mostly alcohol related  issues and stem from the fact that the rest of the region had access to alcohol as they were in stage three before returning to stage one with Walvis Bay,” said the regional police chief.
Nelumbu reminded residents to rather stay at home and only leave for critical issues, to keep themselves out of potential harm’s way.
The region is currently in stage 1, with the lockdown ending on 22 June.
Namibia has 32 confirmed cases, 17 recoveries and 15 active cases as at yesterday morning.  – edeklerk@nepc.com.na