
Self-proclaimed pastor defies Covid-19 regulations

Home National Self-proclaimed pastor defies Covid-19 regulations

OMUTHIYA – A self-proclaimed pastor from Oshikoto region was this week arrested and later released on warning for allegedly contravening Covid-19 state of emergency regulations. The pastor was arrested after police found him “baptising” over ten people in a pond filled with water. The incident happened at Omhunda village in the Onyuulaye area. It is alleged the 27-year-old ‘pastor’ Isack Nghidengwa Ndjalekwa known as ‘Tate Fire’ of True Gospel Salvation Ministry, has been conducting church service occasionally in the area since 2016. It is alleged the church only targets young girls. This resulted in members of the community alerting the police with fears that their children are being brainwashed. “He is conducting healing prayers, baptising 10 people at the same time in a hole full of water and risking their lives during this time of Covid-19. If someone is infected with the virus everyone is at risk. He was also found using anointed olive oil and stickers as sleeping remedy,” stated Oshikoto police chief, Commissioner Armas Shivute. He warned the public to adhere state of emergency regulations or face the wrath of the law. “I urge the public to be vigilant and report any activities of such nature at the nearest police station and further caution all pastors to maintain all health protocols of Covid-19 because Oshikoto police will not leave any stones unturned.” Furthermore, Shivute noted with serious concern the continued violation of the regulations by the public who are still taking part in mass gatherings, including funerals and weddings.  “Therefore, am requesting all councillors, headmen, shebeen committee, women and men network members in the region to ascertain wedding celebrations and funeral gatherings going on in their areas and inform the police immediately. This is to allow the police to monitor and normalise the situation that all precautionary measures are in place and people are adhering to the maximum of 10 persons,” he said.
– osimasiku@nepc.com.na