
Uukwangali chief’s top aide dies 

Home National Uukwangali chief’s top aide dies 

MAYARA – The Uukwangali Traditional Authority (UTA) in Kavango West region has confirmed the death of Christian Shimuketa, who served as chairperson of the traditional chiefs council. 

The 57-year-old Shimuketa died last week Thursday while being rushed to hospital. 
“Our chairperson passed on Thursday morning. He has not been feeling well for the past two weeks; he was at a hospital in Rundu the previous week, where tests were taken and he was awaiting those results on Friday – the day after he died,” said traditional leader of Uukwangali Hompa Eugene Siwombe Kudumo. 
Shimuketa has been Hompa Kudumo’s right-hand man since 2015. 

“After coming back from the hospital days before his demise, he seemed to be well but on Wednesday, he started complaining of a severe headache – and the next morning, he was seen by a nurse at Nzinze clinic – just next to his home,” the Hompa added.  
“There, he was examined but his temperature and sugar level was high, and he was referred to Nankudu district hospital but the ambulance was taking too long to come. However, his son took him with a private vehicle and he died on the way.” 

According to Hompa Kudumo, the health officials at Nankudu district hospital took some specimen, which was sent to the laboratory to determine if he died of Covid-19. 
– jmuyamba@nepc.com.na