
Man gets 20 years for friend’s murder

Home Crime and Courts Man gets 20 years for friend’s murder

The Windhoek Regional Court yesterday sentenced a 28-year-old man to 20 years imprisonment for stabbing his friend multiple times to death in 2018.

On Monday, magistrate Ileni Velikoshi convicted Andreas Nakashimba on a single charge of murder for the death of Sam Shithigona.  Shithigona, a construction worker, died on 27 October 2018 in Otjomuise.
The court noted that despite Nakashimba’s admission of guilt at the start of his trial, he did not show any remorse for killing a man he regarded as his brother.

“Persons who unnecessarily cause the loss of human life must be visited with exemplary sentences so that would be offenders are deterred. If a deterrent sentence is meted out it has the effect of making people think twice before they act,” said Velikoshi.
Handing down the sentence, Velikoshi said the court took into account the fact that the offence was committed at ungodly hours and that alcohol might have had an effect on Nakashimba’s sense of judgment and that the victim had provoked him by slapping with an open hand and pushing him.

According to State witness Mulundu Sam and co-worker to Nakashimba and Shithigona, the two left the construction site in Otjomuise and went to consume tombo.  An argument reportedly ensued. Upon their return to the construction site, Sam informed them that he would not allow them entry if they continued bickering.
 The argument stopped.  

However, a few minutes upon entering the site, the argument started again. “What followed is that the deceased pushed the accused and the accused retaliated by pushing him [the deceased] back. After that, the deceased slapped the accused with an open hand,” explained Sam.
Nakashimba drew out a knife and started stabbing Shithigona. 

Upon seeing this, Sam allegedly pulled out his personal gun and fired a warning shot in the air but Nakashimba continued to stab Shithigona.
Sam testified that the reason behind the argument was that Shithigona was tired of seeing Nakashimba in his dreams. He also said that Nakashimba and Shithigona appeared drunk but not to the extent, that they did not know what they were doing.

According to the post-mortem report prepared by Dr Simasiku Kabanje, 10 stab wounds of varying degrees of severity inflicted on several parts of the body were observed.  He concluded that the cause of the death was multiple stabbing complicated by a direct injury to the heart. He remarked that Shithigona would not have survived with the stab wound to the chest that penetrated the rib cartilage directly into the deceased’s heart. Nakashimba opted to remain silent and not testify in his favour during the trial.
– mamakali@nepc.com.na