
Basketball Junior coaches get training

Home Archived Basketball Junior coaches get training

Staff Reporter

Windhoek-Twenty-one participants took part in the two-day Junior Coaches Basketball Basic Course in Katutura last weekend to learn how to coach basketball teams.
The course is part of the project ‘Free Throw Basketball Artists against HIV & AIDS’ supported by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in conjunction with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

After two days of intensive training in dribbling, passing, shooting and life-skills participants received certificates, T-shirts and whistles, whilst a number of selected participants will be invited for an advanced course later this year.
According to local project coordinator Ramah Mumba, a second two-day basic course will be offered on the weekend of 8 April and new registrations will still be accepted for this course.

Mumba, who is also voluntary secretary general of the Namibian Basketball Federation (NBF), conducted the course alongside DOSB expert Frank Albin.

“We’re very pleased with the commitment of the participants and hope they will implement what they have learned. We also urge those who missed this course to register immediately for April, as this will probably be the last chance for this year”, Mumba remarked.