
Draconian penalties for speeding proposed

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Draconian penalties for speeding proposed

Helvy Shaanika

Ongwediva-The Permanent Secretary of Works and Transport has proposed the abolition of admission of guilt fines in cases of motorists caught exceeding the speed limit.

In a letter addressed to the Chief Magistrate in the Office of the Judiciary, Willem Goeiemann said his ministry was concerned about the high number of accidents that happen as a result of reckless driving, inconsiderate driving or speeding.

Goeiemann said they should curb the attitudes that led to excessive speeding with immediate effect by introducing stiffer punishment against the perpetrators.

“Thus it is proposed that anyone driving over 151 km per hour outside an urban area must be subjected to No Admission of Guilt (locked up immediately and the vehicle involved must be seized),” his proposal read.

The proposed action, according to Goeiemann, will enforce Act 22, Section 81 and 107 of the Road Traffic and Transport Act of 1999.

The Act makes reckless, inconsiderate driving and speeding an offence that can lead to seizure and eventually forfeiture of the vehicle involved by the state.

“We hold views that this intervention will drastically reduce (as in the case of New Zealand) the high number of fatalities on our roads.”

“The Ministry [of Works and Transport] would therefore request the Office of the Judiciary to review its decision so that the proposal of 151 kilometres per hour can be implemented soonest to save lives on our national roads,” Goeiemann said.