Ndeitunga yet to study pro-secessionist video

Home International Ndeitunga yet to study pro-secessionist video


The Inspector-General of the Namibian Police, Sebastian Ndeitunga, yesterday said he is yet to study the leaked video that has week gone viral since last, showing a group of youths in Zambezi Region apparently consulting a witchdoctor to “soften” the hearts of Namibians, including that of former president Hifikepunye Pohamba, to be sympathetic to their secessionist ambitions.

“We were in Angola for Cassinga. I have seen the video clip, but I am still to study it because I need someone to properly translate it for me. I don’t understand it,” he told new Era.

In the video in which the group refers to the Zambezi as Caprivi, its former name, they apparently also want to use black magic to gain global sympathy, so that international organisations sympathise with their aims.

In the video clip – seen by New Era – four young men consult an alleged witchdoctor over matters concerning the so-called “Caprivi issue”. The suspects in the video, whose names are known to New Era and who are alleged to be part of the pro-secessionist Caprivi Concerned Group, can be seen seated next to an unnamed witchdoctor going through some kind of rituals.

Two of the men who were covered in blankets, possibly squatting under a pot steaming with herbs as part of the mysterious rituals, can also be seen in the video clip that has caused despondency among Zambezi residents, who are still recovering from the short-lived rebellion of August 2, 1999.

That rebellion was allegedly masterminded by former DTA politician Mishake Muyongo, who is now exiled in Denmark, but is still wanted by Namibian authorities.

The youths inhale steam from some herbs and can be heard hurling malicious insults at former president Hifikepunye Pohamba, Zambezi Governor Lawrence Sampofu, among other leaders. They also insult Ndeitunga and Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana.

It is not clear when the video was taken, but it appears it was during the time Pohamba served as president, possibly in April 2012.

At the beginning of the clip the two youths under the blanket are recorded saying, “The UN and human rights organisations must come and finish up the issue of Caprivi, so that we become independent.”

At the pot with herbs the sangoma recites that the smoke should turn the hearts of those that are told about “the independence of Caprivi”, so that they accept it. The sangoma insists that Caprivi is a country and not a region. He insults all those disputing this and says they should go back where they belong.

The group argues in the video that Kabbe Primary School should not have been named after former president Sam Nujoma, because he – they say – is not a Caprivian, but a Namibian. They suggested it should have been named after Muyongo, their ideological leader.

Ndeitunga last week said the so-called Caprivi Concerned Group’s agenda is the same as that of those who have been arrested for high treason.

“We have been working hard to make sure that if they continue with the idea of Caprivi secession, to dismember the Republic of Namibia, they will face the same fate like those ones who were in court or are now behind bars.

“Therefore, they have to be careful. If they are insulting the leadership we will get the video clip and study it and we will identify whoever has released that type of clip and take any legal steps within the confines of Namibian law,” warned the police chief.

Following Ndeitunga’s remarks, Edwin Samati, secretary general of the Caprivi Concerned Group, issued a statement informing the country and all human rights organisations that their deputy chairperson, Retief Kangongo, has been missing since April 30.

He would, however, not confirm or deny allegations that the group consulted a sangoma to advance their aims.

Ndeitunga warned that the police would not tolerate individuals insulting the political leadership of the country, just because they want to pursue “ill ideas of dismembering the Republic of Namibia.”

“The law will take its course should anybody be found in contravention of our laws. If they are going to sangomas, it’s a waste of time. They can go to sangomas a million times, we don’t care… If the time comes, together with their sangomas, we might find them behind bars. We don’t believe in sangomas. It’s a waste of time. Our bullets will never distinguish between a secessionist and a sangoma. They will face the same fate,” warned the former combatant.

He said in a democratic country any association wishing to assemble peacefully without arms and without threat of violence – provided that the subject to be discussed is within the parameters of the Namibian Constitution – are allowed to do so.

Ndeitunga warned that if the subject endangers State security and has the potential to destabilise the territorial integrity, peace and tranquility of Namibia, “We will definitely not allow it.”