
Athletics Namibia on beans’ ends

Home Sports Athletics Namibia on beans’ ends

By choice, people through their birthright and being confirmed individuals would always opt to engage in various recreational activities by joining clubs or associations of their preferred choice.
However, there is a framework that allows for both the subtle and open differences that exist among many a sporting discipline.
As it stands, there is a dire need for sports officials to be called to order and reminded about the responsibilities and accountability that comes along with their line of duty and ultimate togetherness, period! A good chunk of sports administrators and officials have become a law unto themselves with little regard, if any shown towards their subjects.
The sickening and disgusting omission of deserving athletes for nomination to the prestigious National Sports Commission’s Annual Sports Awards is a serious violation of human rights and calls for a skill audit, so to speak.
What really pisses yours truly off is that the wanderlust officials from Athletics Namibia still had the temerity to drag along almost each and every available member of its Executive Committee to the just-ended quadrennial All Africa Multi Sports Games in Congo, Brazzaville.
Don’t’ ask me what the heck they were doing over there, but from what yours truly could gather is that the bloated travelling entourage of officials almost dwarfed the small pool of athletes who descended on the Congo to represent their native land.
Tonight sees Namibia celebrate the achievement of its top performers throughout the year under review but there will be no contestants from Athletics Namibia, ag shame!
The conspicuous absence of the athletes is the result of Athletics Namibia’s dismal failure to submit names of deserving candidates for consideration as required by the statutes of the Namibian Sports Act. The consequences are that the poor athletes will be the ultimate losers while the bungling officials remain unscathed – having a whale of a ball on the gravy train.
These shenanigans are unacceptable; clubs and affiliates of Athletics Namibia should demand an explanation for this sort of unwanted embarrassing blunders and if need be, institute a vote of no confidence in the entire executive.
Leaders are voted into positions of trust with a certain mandate but failure or rather blatant incompetence to execute their designated duties should be dealt with. People must learn to remove their leaders when they become arrogant and self centered, finish and klaar!
Truth be told, Athletics Namibia has taken a slippery slope journey over the last couple of years and even during the turbulent tenure of the much-hated Bra Alpha Kangueehi, aka Barry White, things were happening though slightly in shoddy fashion.
It should be noted that with all his shortcomings and hostility that was waged towards him, the thick-skulled Barry White never failed to adhere to the basics of his togetherness – let alone failing to submit names of deserving athletes for the country’s august sporting event.
The dominant view of the neutral sports fan is for the bungling officials to do the most honourable thing and resign to create space for other people who are prepared to put their bodies on the line for the development of athletics, in particular the athletes.

Don’t put the cart before the horse

Yours truly has noticed with keen interest the nauseating brouhaha so recklessly brandied out by some of my colleagues in the media industry regarding potential winners in the various categories ahead of tonight’s much-anticipated annual sports awards under the auspices of the Namibia Sports Commission (NSC).
The basic role of the media is to educate, inform and entertain readers but if we start making it our sole province to deliberately misinform and mislead the public – then we should brace ourselves for a disaster.
There has been lots of exaggerated hype around the Brave Warriors’ victory in the COSAFA Cup with local scribes proudly predicting a clean sweep for the victorious Warriors.
Surely, we should not allow ourselves to be driven by sentiments and blind loyalty, ignoring the wise notion of looking at things holistically.
Let’s assume the Warriors scoop the prestigious team of the year award. This does not necessarily give the coach carte blanche to walk away with the revered coach of the year award.
It’s a totally different kettle of fish because coaches are competing with other equally deserving contestants who might have achieved higher accolades in individual sporting disciplines. I rest my case.