
Development budget for Kavango East

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A part of the N$376 million development budget allocated to Kavango East is N$70 million the agriculture ministry has budgeted for various agricultural activities in the region.

The activities include implementing community-based management, supporting green schemes, water resources management, constructing traditional water wells and dams, as well as drinking pans for livestock. It includes support for the processing of indigenous plants and mahangu, and the construction and renovation of the ministry’s buildings in the region.

The fisheries ministry has set aside N$8 million to erect a regional office in Kavango East. The transport ministry has budgeted nearly N$34 million for upgrading the road between Rundu and Elundu to bitumen, erecting gravel roads between Tjova and Divaji, as well as between Kamupupu and Mbururu.

For the land reform programme N$6,4 was million allocated for the development of communal areas in Kavango East, and to erect a ministerial office in the region.

The Ministry of Veteran Affairs budgeted N$1,52 million towards the construction of veterans’ houses in the region, and a further N$1,3 million for the erection and preservation of liberation struggle monuments in the region.
The Rundu Vocational Training Centre is set to be upgraded at a cost of N$6,2 million.

The Ministry of Health and Social Services has budgeted nearly N$82 million for upgrading and constructing health infrastructure in the region.

This includes primary healthcare centres, upgrading Rundu Regional Health Training Centre, the Andara Hospital, and the construction of mental health centres.

For servicing of land in Kavango East N$37 million is budgeted. The areas to receive serviced infrastructure include Ndiyona settlement, and Divundu, while basic sanitation in rural areas of the region will be set up. Nevertheless, the amount also includes the costs to construct Divundu Settlement Office and Ndonga Linena Constituency Office.

The safety and security ministry would spend N$29 million on upgrading police stations in the region, construction of police accommodation, and the construction of Naute police station.

Upgrading schools and hostels, as well as constructing teachers’ accommodation facilities in the region will be funded to the tune of N$37 million.

The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology intends to set up regional offices at a cost of N$10 million, while rural electrification in the region was allocated N$3,5 million.

The tourism ministry has also budgeted more than N$6 million for upgrading tourist roads and for the construction of regional offices and houses for staff.