
Health extension workers graduate at Keetmans

Home Education Health extension workers graduate at Keetmans

KEETMANSHOOP – Ninety-seven health extension workers graduated at Keetmanshoop on Friday after six-months’ training.

“Its existence will bridge the gap caused by the missing link between community and primary health care facilities,” said the Governor of the // Kharas Region Lucia Basson when she congratulated the graduates for committing themselves to be servants of the community.

The graduates comprised 15 from Lüderitz, 43 from Keetmanshoop and Karasburg with 39. They would all become part of the Health Extension Workers (HEWs) programme.

She further said the graduates would be of crucial importance in addressing all health and social issues in the community, and most importantly focusing on the triple crises of HIV/AIDS and TB, as well as poverty, which are the major causes of poor health and deaths.

Speaking at the same ceremony the acting health director of //Kharas region Dr Job Ndile said the aim is for every 100 households to have at least one health extension worker to assist with health and social welfare issues.

He urged the graduates to apply for employment as there is no automatic employment and anyone who wishes to apply can thus do so out of their own will, but promised that all applications received will be processed.

Two graduates shared the best performance award with Moses Markus receiving the best overall male performer and best overall in practicals, while Emillie Simutwara received the best female performer and best overall performer in theory.