
Alleged con artist wants bail

Home National Alleged con artist wants bail

WINDHOEK -The matter in which two men face a charge of theft under false pretences will continue on March 19 to enable the suspects to make a formal bail application in the Ondangwa Magistrate’s Court.

The accused are Emmanuel Kashuupulwa and Josia ‘Zorro’ Muhongo. Both will have to return to court on April 22 after the matter was remanded for further investigation, and to March 19 to enable Kashuupulwa to apply for bail.
Vistorina Shiimi represented the State.

Kashuupulwa was denied bail when the two men made a first appearance in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court on February 27, while Muhongo was granted bail of N$20 000.

The two allegedly pretended to be police officers and demanded N$300 000 from a man in order not to arrest them for dealing in diamonds.

Kashuupulwa was denied bail for fear he would interfere with investigations. As well as for fear that he could commit similar offences, since there is a pending case against him of impersonating a police officer.

Meanwhile Muhongo has indicated he is suing the police for N$935 000 for his recent arrested which he says was unlawful.

In a letter seen by New Era written by Muhongo’s lawyer Orben Sibeya, addressed to the Inspector General of the Namibian Police, Sebastian Ndeitunga, Muhongo claims he suffered injury to his dignity and reputation due to the arrest and detention for a period of approximately 50 hours. For this he is demanding N$200 000 and N$35 000 for legal fees.

He claims he also suffered physiological and emotional pain and suffering for which he is demanding N$200 000. He is further demanding N$500 000 for the loss of direct and indirect business income, all of which total N$935 000.

The letter further states Muhongo was contacted by the office of the Protected Resource Unit (PRU) and when he arrived at the office, he was informed by three officers that he was suspected of having been involved in a commission of a crime that took place at Bank Windhoek, Ondangwa branch on January 20 between 08h00 and 11h00.

Muhongo allegedly informed the police officers he was not at the scene of the crime and that he was not involved in the matter. He provided the police officers with video footage, invoices and the entry and exit control records from Hartlief in Windhoek dated January 20 as his alibi that he was in Windhoek on January 20, between 8am and 11am, the alleged time of the commission of the crime.

“Despite having provided proof to show that he has no involvement in the commission of the crime, our client was still arrested, which was in our view unlawful and malicious,” the letter states.