
Former education director inspires teachers

Home Education Former education director inspires teachers

ONGWEDIVA – The former deputy education director for Oshikoto Region, André Strűwig, urged teachers who attended the recent Oshigambo circuit teachers’ annual conference “to perform”.

Strűwig encouraged teachers to be the captains of their ship at their schools, stressing that school results are an indication of performance. 

“You should not wait for the director, deputy director or inspector to jump ahead and to think on your behalf.  The results of the region and your circuit are an indication of who outperformed himself/herself,” motivated Strűwig.

He stressed that the provision of quality education requires quality leaders, managers, administrators and curriculum implementers at all levels of education, hence educators should not be wheelbarrows at school waiting to be pushed, but should rather strive to be initiators of positive strategies that would in the end yield positive results.

“Some people are waiting for the ship to come in yet they have not sent it to the harbour.  If you wish to reap a crop you must first cultivate the land, plant the seed, water and fertilize the plant, protect it and then finally undertake the harvest. Do not wait for the ship to come in, swim out to meet it,” advised Strűwig.  

The former deputy director urged teachers to ensure quality teaching, adding that they “ applied for the jobs”.

“The recruitment process ensures that teachers are qualified to deliver programmes aligned with and focused on what learners must know and be able to do, and what teachers are expected to teach.  Remember you applied for the job, nobody has placed you in the profession. It was your choice and your choice alone,” said Strűwig.

Welcoming participants to the conference the Oshigambo Ciruit Inspector Natangwe Uugwanga revealed that the circuit is home to 397 teachers and 9 402 learners and many support staff.

 “I challenge you all to bear stories of success in your academic performances despite the hardships that you operate under,” said Uugwanga.

Uugwanga also encouraged teachers to take their responsibilities seriously and to strive to be positive role models in their classrooms, adding  that it is in the classroom where the dreams of individuals often begin.

“We need to know, as teachers, the importance and the degree of our responsibility.  It is a pity that some of us do not leave any positive legacy in the classroom.  Yet it is in the classroom where the dreams of a learner start,” said Uugwanga.

By Nuusita Ashipala