
Zambezi Regional Council

Home National Zambezi Regional Council

Query: Minister of Local Government, come and investigate how the Zambezi Regional Council awards tenders. They allocate them to the same people every time. It is like a family business.”

Response: Zambezi Regional Council is guided by the Public Procurement Act No. 15 of 2015 when handling the awarding of any tenders. This process involves transparency from the initial stage to the last stage. Zambezi Regional Council has not deviated from the new Public Procurement Act procedures. However, if any tenderer or public member is aggrieved or dissatisfied with the way we are conducting the procurement process they are invited to visit our offices or contact the Public Relations Officer at Tel – 066261708 or Cell – 0811298024 for more information and clarifications.

Query: The Zambezi Regional Council failed to account for N$11.6 million. What answers did the Chief Regional Officer (CRO) give? The 2017 year-end party and other events were cancelled and exchanged for new ones by the CRO without notice, why? We need transparency and accountability, not one centre of power at Zambezi Regional Council.

Response: Firstly, the National Council Public Accounts and Economic Committee conducted a hearing at Zambezi Regional Council in February 2018. Zambezi Regional Council appeared before the Committee, all queries from the Committee were fully and comprehensively attended to by the Chief Regional Officer. No questions were not attended to by the Chief Regional Officer therefore the allegations by the sender of the SMS in The Namibian newspaper are unfounded, baseless and intended to tarnish the image of Zambezi Regional Council and in particular that of the Chief Regional Officer. Secondly, the Chief Regional Officer as the accounting officer has the right and responsibility to make decisions based on priorities and the availability of funds, especially now that Government is confronted with financial challenges. Any event that was cancelled and replaced with a new one, such a decision was taken in due consideration with budget constraints and other factors. Lastly, note should be taken that decisions are made with due regard to the legal provisions and management structures within the Zambezi Regional Council. Decisions are made with the blessings of Administrative and Management Committee meetings. Finally, the Regional Council which is the highest decision making body approves such decisions based on recommendations from the said structures. Therefore, there is no one centre of power as alleged by the sender of the SMS.
• For more information, please visit our office premises or contact the Public Relations Officer at 066261708/ 0811298024. Mr Damien Siambango, Public Relations Officer, Zambezi Regional Council, E-mail Address: dsiambango@zambezirc.gov.na