
Geingob attends SADC Troika Summit

Home Front Page News Geingob attends SADC Troika Summit

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Windhoek-President Hage Geingob was in Luanda, Angola, yesterday for the Extraordinary Summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Double Troika on the political and security environment in the SADC region, particularly the Kingdom of Lesotho and preparations for elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The Double Troika deliberated on consolidation of democracy in the SADC region focusing on the forthcoming elections in Madagascar, eSwatini and Zimbabwe. The DRC, Madagascar, Mozambique, eSwatini and Zimbabwe are due to go to the polls in 2018.

Angolan President Joao Lourenco led the meeting as the chair of the SADC Organ on Politics,
Defence and Security, in a meeting that brought together the heads of state of Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, DRC, the King of eSwatini Kingdom, Prime Minister of Lesotho and a representative of Tanzania.

The Troika system operates at the level of the Summit and the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security, and the application of two Troikas is referred to as the Double Troika.

Namibia holds the deputy SADC chair, while South Africa holds the SADC chair, and eSwatini is the outgoing chair of SADC. Angola is the chair of the Organ on Defence, while Zambia is the incoming chair of the organ, and Tanzania the outgoing chair. Geingob will take over the chair from South Africa at SADC’s 38th Ordinary Summit in August this year.

Yesterday Angolan President João Lourenço reiterated the need for the consolidation of democracy and fundamental freedoms within southern Africa, for the development of the region.

Lourenço also praised the steps taken by DRC President Joseph Kabila on the implementation of key aspects, like the scheduling of the date for elections on December 23 this year, as signs that may contribute to the urgent easing of internal tensions to strengthen mutual trust between the government, the opposition and civil society.
Lourenço however expressed concern over the situation in eastern DRC, where rebel groups, especially the Democratic Forces Alliance (ADF), continue to kill local citizens, both women and children, jeopardising the development of the country.

As for the situation in Lesotho, Lourenço said that the SADC Double Troika welcomes the efforts made by the local active forces of the nation for the full political stability of that country. Angola, he went on, with a deep sense of duty, is part of the military contingent of the regional organisation tasked with ensuring the political-military stability of Lesotho, under the United Nations and the African Union on peacekeeping missions.
Geingob who has been in London for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting was due to return home yesterday after the Double Troika meeting in the afternoon.
– Additional reporting by EINNews.