
Salt Essential IT celebrates 25 years

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Salt Essential IT celebrates 25 years

Salt Essential IT celebrated their 25th birthday anniversary on 30 March 2023 with esteemed partners, customers, shareholders and friends.

The event was well-attended, and paid homage to the continued existence of Salt and its role in transforming Namibians lives using technology. 

Bisey /Uirab, board chairman, congratulated Salt on their achievements as leaders of industry and pioneering technologies that enables Namibia to embrace the fifth industrial revolution. 

Sonja Coetzer, managing director of Salt, praised the role and importance of the people component in using technology to drive positive change. 

“We love celebrating the small things, as much as we love celebrating our 25th birthday. We love changing people’s lives, one technology at a time. We are more than technology enthusiasts; we are leaders in making a difference. We love what we do, we love to challenge, we love to empower, and we love to impact, “said Coetzer to the attendees at the event. 

Lencia van Dyk, one of the attendees, affirmed the statements form the MD, saying: “If we think of Salt, we don’t see a service provider, but a business partner, fervently devoted to a mutual goal of running the race with us to greatness.”

The Salt team of 24 people serve over 270 000 computer users in the Namibian public and private sectors. 

“We are able to serve such a large customer base because we use technology in such a way”.

The event preceded the launch of the official Cybersecurity Awareness Plan and Strategy the following day at A Shipena Secondary School, which is a stellar example of how great achievements are made when government and the private sector collaborate. 

“MICT extends its hearty wishes and congratulations to Salt Essential IT on its 25th anniversary. We are grateful for wonderful professional relations, and look forward to many more years of collaboration and success together,” said Linda Aipinge, director of ICT development in the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.