
Katjaimo, victims play hide and seek…group threatens violence

Home National Katjaimo, victims play hide and seek…group threatens violence
Katjaimo, victims play hide and seek…group threatens violence

In a tale of ongoing conflict between Katutura Central constituency councillor Rodman Katjaimo and a group of Namibians who lost their money after a failed trip to the United Kingdom, tensions have escalated.

The victims have thus begun to take matters into their own hands.

The group of 198 individuals paid a whopping N$65 000 each for a promised trip to the Commonwealth Games  in Birmingham, UK last year, which ended in tears when they were denied entry after immigration officials picked up red flags.

The group has since been demanding refunds from Katjaimo, where some received portions while others did not receive a single penny. 

Despite the outcry from the group members, the councillor allegedly remained steadfast in his refusal to refund them their full amounts, telling them to “move on.”

With no recourse left, the victims have now threatened to attack him, following him to his office, and even going as far as searching for him at his residence. 

The situation has become a game of cat and mouse.

The tension between the councillor and the victims came to a head at a recent community event last week, where the victims made an appearance, and the councillor was apparently forced to be escorted out by police.

As the situation continues to escalate, it is said the councillor is now constantly on the run, trying to avoid the wrath of the angry sports enthusiasts. 

On Sunday, the group flocked to his office in Katutura, hoping to find him there.

After noticing he was nowhere to be found, one of the victims phoned him, demanding his money. 

In a phone call, Katjaimo can be heard saying that he only owes that victim N$1 000, and that he should contact him privately. 

Another victim was told that she would not be refunded, as she apparently refused to accept N$14 000. 

“We are now taking matters into our own hands until he gives us our full amounts. He must sell some of his belongings if he doesn’t have money, otherwise, we will not leave him,” said Elvis Nguarambuka, the group representative. 

In a WhatsApp voice recording, another victim advised her fellows to “threaten to attack” Katjaimo as it is the only way they can get their refunds.

“Rodman called me immediately after the NBC interview. He said he wanted to talk to me at a certain place he proposed. I agreed, took an axe, and went to the place where we agreed to meet.

“When I got out, I pulled out my axe and threatened to attack him if he doesn’t give my money back. I was emotional and crying, and Rodman just forwarded N$50 000 straight to my bank account,” the lady said in a voice note.

At a gathering last week, the victims were also planning to travel to his village homestead in Otjozondjupa, where they believe he is “hiding”. 

Approached for comment, Katjaimo accused New Era of prompting harassment from his victims.

“Please note that before your paper went to my house and took pictures, splashing it all over, I never experienced any threats to my family. Those people did not need to search for my residence; your paper published my residence with pictures and all. So, your paper is a direct cause of the harassment and threats that my family is currently experiencing,” he stated. 

Katjaimo, however, added that no one has the right to take the law into their own hands, and every threat to his life will be dealt with in accordance with established laws.

He has also threatened to lay a complaint with the Media Ombudsman against this publication and the journalists who have been covering the story since it broke in July last year.

“My work has not been affected in any way; we are running all our programmes as planned. Recently, we hosted a successful International Women’s Day Celebration in our constituency, and on Sunday donated 70 new blankets and old garments as part of the winter drive,” he said.

Also contacted was police spokesperson, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi, who said the case between Katjaimo and the victims is currently under investigation, and she urged the victims to refrain from taking the law into their own hands.

“We don’t condone violence, and we encourage those affected to remain calm until investigations are done. We understand their frustration, but instead of resorting to violence, they should trust the law to take its course because if they take the law into their own hands, there will be repercussions, and the police will deal with them,” she emphasised.

– ashikololo@nepc.com.na


Caption:Angry… Some of the failed UK trip victims. 

Photo: Aletta Shikololo